MODERN LIVING September issue


Hiroko Koshino's private house in Ashiya which was just completed last May was introduced in the magazine. A new extension building has been added adjacent to former studio and guest house built 12years ago. Big picture windows that opens out to the garden creates the feel of luscious nature wherever you are in the house. We hope you enjoy the article.

Shukanbunshun August 1st issue ”Shin Ie no Rirekisyo”


''Shin Ie no Rirekisyo'' (Housing Resume) in Shukanbunshun is the popular series of which celebrities reminisce their life along with their housing history.Hiroko Koshino appeared in the magazine talking about how to build a successful career as a fashion designer, with a story from her birthplace ''Boutique Koshino'' to the previous house designed by renowned architect, Mr. Tadao Ando, remodeled into her private gallery last May. We hope you enjoy the article.

“Now what? How to built the future”


Hiroko Koshino who has been active at the front line of the fashion world contributed an article to a book titled ''Now what? -how to built the future-'' which will be published for the 100th anniversary of Iwanami Shoten Publishers. 228 wonderful leaders from various fields such as politics, economics, international relations, sociology, education, science, technology, culture, art and media have raised a wide range of social problems. Hiroko Koshino also presented her recommendations about the future of fashion industry. We hope you enjoy the book.  Paperback will be released at the store on Wednesday, June 12th, an e-book released on Monday, August 5th.

Bungeishunju July issue ”a letter written to mother”


Hiroko Koshino was invited to contribute a letter for feature article titled ''a letter written to father and mother'' in Bungeishunju released on Monday, June 10th. This year marks Hiroko’s mother, Ayako Koshino’s centenary birth anniversaty, and the designer wrote a feeling of gratitude toward her mother whose dreams came ture by her life story being traced at NHK drama ''Carnation''. We hope you enjoy the book.

FASHION NEWS VOL.181 June issue


2013-14 Autumn / Winter Collection was introduced in the magazine. There is also feature article titled 'Oshiete, Hiroko sensei!'' (Tell us Hiroko!) where she answers variety of questions from readers.

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