Ayako Koshino | ’10 People Carve out a Path to a New Era in the World’


Ayako Koshino is a pioneer in Japanese fashion as well the mother of the three Koshino sisters. Her story finally becomes a book, in the series '10 People Carve out a Path to a New Era in the World’, published for kids by Gakken.

Having lived through World War II, Ayako experienced success, setbacks and a multitude of challenges – her positive attitude is an undoubted encouragement for children to be strong and have hope.

The second series of the book carries an impressive lineup of celebrities which include The Beatles, Nelson Mandela, Pablo Picasso and of course, the renowned Ayako Koshino.

The book is available in bookstores nationwide – don’t forget to get your copy and enjoy!

‘Old and New’ | The Mainichi Newspaper


The Mainichi Newspaper will run a daily column between the 01st and 20th of February 2014, titled ‘Old and New’, to mark the 50,000th issue of the newspaper since the Meiji period in 1873.

Hiroko Koshino appears in the article of Tuesday, 10th February 2014, talking about her significant works across the creative realm, motivations for new challenges, the ideal newspaper and so on and so forth.

Don’t forget to get your copy and enjoy the article!


‘Sawako-no-Asa’ | TV Show


'Sawako-no-Asa' is a witty talk show hosted by Sawako Agawa – a brilliant conversationalist who talks about a variety of topics with a multitude of celebrities. Hiroko Koshino makes an appearance on the captivating show, where everyone falls for Ms. Agawa's suaveness – sometimes friendly while sometimes quick-witted! Koshino also talks about her favorite music as a child, her late mother, Ayako Koshino, as well as about her significant presence at the forefront of fashion.
Don’t forget to tune in and enjoy!

Name: 'Sawako-no-Asa'
Date: Saturday, 07th February, 2015; 07:30am – 08:00am.
Station: Mainichi Broadcasting System, Tokyo Broadcasting System Television and Tokyo Broadcasting System Televition-owned 28 stations.


‘Yudoki’ | Informational TV Program


Fashion in Osaka is said to be very unique and gaudy.
Hiroko Koshino makes a comment on the difference between fashion in Osaka and elsewhere in Japan, on the informational TV Program, ‘Yudoki’, addressing ‘Fashion in Osaka: Rediscovering the Kansai Region’.
Don’t forget to tune in and enjoy!

Name: 'Yudoki'
Date: Friday, 06th February, 2015; 04:55pm-06:00pm.
Station: NHK


‘Himitsu-no-Kenmin Show’ | TV Show


Himitsu-no-Kenmin Show’ is a TV show that revolves around social and cultural customs and traditions specific to a chosen region. The region this time will be Osaka and as Hiroko Koshino was born and brought up in Kishiwada city, Osaka, she will be making an appearance on the same as a special guest.

Talking about a range of topics from economic status to the favourite meal of people from Osaka – sukiyaki – the show will bring to you a number of interesting, exciting topics over the course of two weeks so don’t forget to tune in and enjoy!

Name: ‘Himitsu-no-Kenmin Show'
Date: Thursday, 22nd January, 2015; 09:00pm – 09:54pm (Part I)
    Thursday, 29th January, 2015; 09:00pm – 09:54pm (Part II)
Station: Yomiuri Television, Nihon Television and Nihon Television-owned 28 stations.


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