Kishiwada Danjiri Festival
Collection2013.09.17An annual festival ''Kishiwada Danjiri Festival'' was held on September 14th and 15th. Despite…
MODERN LIVING September issue
Magazine2013.08.08Hiroko Koshino's private house in Ashiya which was just completed last May was introduced in the magazine….
Shukanbunshun August 1st issue ”Shin Ie no Rirekisyo”
Magazine2013.07.27''Shin Ie no Rirekisyo'' (Housing Resume) in Shukanbunshun is the popular series of which cele…
“Now what? How to built the future”
Magazine2013.06.29Hiroko Koshino who has been active at the front line of the fashion world contributed an article to a book tit…
Bungeishunju July issue ”a letter written to mother”
Magazine2013.06.01Hiroko Koshino was invited to contribute a letter for feature article titled ''a letter written to fat…
FASHION NEWS VOL.181 June issue
Magazine2013.05.012013-14 Autumn / Winter Collection was introduced in the magazine. There is also feature article titled 'O…
Magazine2013.04.2913-14AW Collection was introduced in the magazine.
MODEetMODE No.363 Summer issue
Magazine2013.04.18Introduction of 2013-14 Autumn / Winter Collection, as well as Information about the third exhibition of KH Ga…
Fujingaho May issue
Magazine2013.04.01HIROKO KOSHINO GINZA and KH Gallery are introduced as HIROKO KOSHINO's "special Place wher…